%%{init:{'flowchart':{'nodeSpacing': 20, 'rankSpacing': 30}}}%% flowchart LR S1[Read in data] ==> S3(Merge) S2[Read in metadata] ==> S3 ==> A(Clean) subgraph shiny ["(Parameter determination in Shiny app)"] style shiny fill:#fbfbfb, stroke:#d3d3d3, stroke-width:px A(Clean) ==> B(Process) ==> C(Filter) D(Optional<br/>scripts) end C ==> S{Standardised<br/>dataset} C --> D --> S S --> E(Analyses) S ==> F(Archive) linkStyle 6,7 stroke-dasharray: 4 4
ExMove: An open-source toolkit for processing and exploring animal tracking data in R
Liam Langley, Stephen Lang, Luke Ozsanlav-Harris, & Alice Trevail
Welcome to the home page of ExMove. Here, you can find the resources to use our toolkit for processing biologging data from tag downloads to online archive.
Below is an overview of the workflow and what you can do with it:
How to access the resources:
- Read the manuscript, open access via Journal of Animal Ecology to find out why reproducible workflows are important, and for an overview of the tools available
- Access the GitHub repository containing the code and documentation to run the toolkit
- Read the user guide for detailed instructions on how to apply the toolkit to your data
- View a worked example of the toolkit applied to central-place foraging red-footed boobies, including identifying foraging trips
How to cite:
Langley, L. P., Lang, S. D. J., Ozsanlav-Harris, L., & Trevail, A. M. (2024). ExMove: An open-source toolkit for processing and exploring animal-tracking data in R. Journal of Animal Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.14111
All authors were based at the University of Exeter while writing and submitting ExMove. Alice Trevail was funded by the Bertarelli Programme in Marine Science, who also funded collection of adult and immature red-footed booby data. Stephen Lang was funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts.
We thank the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust for providing tracking data from Greenland White-fronted Geese and Larry Griffin for deploying tags. We thank Malcolm Nicoll for valuable comments on an earlier version of the manuscript, and for providing tracking data from a Trindade petrel. The Trindade petrel tracking programme (Round Island, Mauritius) was supported by NERC (Grant NE/H5081500) and Research England, with thanks to Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF) and the National Parks and Conservation Service (NPCS). We also thank Evelyn Alexander, Jacqueline Glencross and Tess Handby for providing valuable feedback on the code, workflow and Shiny app.